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Searching "Wired In-Ear Systems"...

...from "Shure" at zzounds.com:

Name Shure P2R215CL Wired Personal Monitoring System

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Description The Shure PSM200 lets you start with a wired in ear monitor system - and you can upgrade it to wireless later! The Shure P2R215CL is a version of the Shure PSM200 provides the same incredible sound quality, isolation and reliability as are found in the wireless version - with an ever sweeter price tag. Shure's P2R hybrid receiver pack includes a built-in limiter, and a 1/4 inch line input jack. The included ear phones are comfortable, light in weight, very effective in isolating against outside noises, and provide high fidelity sound. Get In Ear from here.
List Price $411.00
Sale Price $329.00  (20% off!) 
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